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2008 Ktm 50 SX.
2008 Ktm 50 SX
More 2008 Ktm 50's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

Address: Hillsboro, OR Engine: 1-cylinder, 2-stroke
Body Style: Motorcycle Item Class: Mini & Pocket
Primary Color: Orange Weight: 86
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Prices include dealer rebates, dealer incentives and all retail bonuses - Only the best power, performance and appearance are good enough for first place: the KTM 50 SX - a winner for every ace from the ages of six to nine. The seat height is adjustable from 650 millimeters upwards, with long suspension travel, disc brakes at the front and rear, a chain guard, as well as the best power output available in this class. Keywords: KTM, Yamaha, Dirtbike, Dirt bike, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80, 85, 100, 105, 125, 144, 150, 200, 250, 300, 360, 380 400, 426, 450, 500, 525, 530, SX, SXF, SX.F, SX-F, XC, XCF, XC.F, XC-F, XCFW, XCF-W, XC-FW, XCW, XC-W, MX, MXC, MX-C, EXC, EX-C, Mini, Jr, Jr., Junior, Adventure, Pro, Sr, Sr., Senior, 50sx, 65sx, 85sx, 105sx, 125sx, 144sx, 150sx, 200sx, 250sx, 250sxf, 250SX-F, SX250F, SX360, 450SX, 450SXF, SX-F450, sx450F, 65xc, 85xc, 105xc, 150xc, 200xc, 250xc, 300xc, 450xc, 450xcf, 450xc-f, 525xc, 525xcf, 525xc-f, 530xc, 530xcf, 530xc-f, 450exc, 450ex-c, 525exc, 525ex-c, YZ, YZF, YZ.F, YZ-F, PW, YZ80, YZ85, YZ100, YZ125, YZ250, YZF250, YZ-F250, YZ250F, YZ450, YZF450, YZ-F450, YZ450F, KX, KX-F, CR, CRF, CR-F, RM, RMZ, RM-Z
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