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2009 LIFAN 150cc Touring Scooter.
2009 LIFAN 150cc Touring Scooter
More 2009 Lifan 150Cc's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

Address: Akron, OH Body Style: Motorcycle
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Please visit our site muters. It is expected that this trend will continue in the future. In light of this market background, this MC-U1505H was developed under the concept of "a fusion of high performance and fashion" with the key word "Performa" (a combination of performance and formal) to describe its development direction. To achieve these aims, the new model boasts the latest technologies throughout its design to give it the kind of running performance, comfort, stylish body and environment-friendly performance that go far beyond the conventional moped image. This brand new sporty design was given some serious upgrades. These updates were aimed at providing the consumer with better power delivery, lower emissions, improved handling, updated styling, and more comfort and convenience features. With its European design and reliable 150 cc air cooled engine, is a great option for those needing a faster and more comfortable ride. It mounts an air-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder 150cc engine with a fully automatic transmission on a body with the look of quality and a futuristic design You can now plan to make longer trips on your scooter, with it's 10 inch wheels, hydraulic tuned suspension and comfortable seat for rider and passenger it's time to hit the road! Plenty of power and room for two, with integrated passenger foot rest. 150cc Touring Scooter *Free Shipping*
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